I like to encourage my students to participate in extra-curricular events whenever they have time. I especially like to encourage to get involved with fine arts events on campus, and I occasionally give an extra credit point or two to students who participate in these events.
I'd like to particularly encourage you to participate in some of the events coming up in the next two weeks.
- Noon Forums. Most Wednesdays this semester, there will be a Noon Forum sponsored by Faculty Senate and the OIS. On Wednesday, February 3, the Forum will feature Professor Ken Blanchard and Corey Heidelberger. Forum title: The Battle of the Bloggers. On Wednesday, February 10, Professor Sara Schmidt will be talking about how to handle a bad hair day! The forums are held in the Williams Library rotunda.
- NSU play (Gideon's Knot). Performances are Wednesday through Saturday
(February 10-14 at 7:30 p.m. in the NSU Centennial Rooms. Shows are
free with your NSU ID.
- Faculty recitals/senior recitals. Professor Audrey Miller will give a recital at 7:30 on Thursday, February 4. Professors Darci Bultema and Marla Fogderud will be giving a joint recital on Thursday, February 18. There are also quite a few senior recitals this spring, usually at 3:00 p.m. on Sundays. The recitals are generally held in Krikac auditorium.
- Student clubs. I will also give you credit for attending a meeting of any student organization you haven't been involved with before. For instance, Tae Kwon Do meets at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays in Dakotah Hall gym. Plenty of other opportunities for involvement on campus!
To get your extra credit, click on the "comment" link here. Note which activity you went to and what you think the highlight of that particular activity was, i.e., the thing you found most memorable, most enjoyable, or most worthwhile.