Thursday, January 14, 2016

Maxims of Ptah Hotep (extra credit)

The Maxims of Ptah Hotep reflect well the values of Old Kingdom Egypt, showing us how that society provided ethical guidance to its members.  Please skim through the maxims and pick out one you find particularly interesting.  Do you think this good advice, or not?  Is it in any way applicable today?


  1. The one quote I found interesting was: "Treat your dependents well, in so far as it belongs to you to do so". This is important because I feel like sometimes people take their parents for granted, but i am thankful that they gave me a roof and food. Once we get older we realize how much they impacted us but we really should make that realization the younger we are.

  2. A maxim that I found to be interesting was "Be active during the time of your existence, do no more than is commanded. Do not spoil the time of your activity; he is a blameworthy person who makes a bad use of his moments. Do not lose the daily opportunity of increasing that which your house possesses. Activity produces riches, and riches do not endure when it slackens." I think that this is good advice and is still applicable today. I think that sometimes people do more than what they should and in the end they ruin the moments that they have made. People should still be active and not lazy, but I think that what Ptah Hotep is trying to say is that don't be so overactive where in the end nothing really gets accomplished.

  3. I found it interesting when he said "If you are a wise man, bring up a son who shall be pleasing to Ptah. If he conforms his conduct to your way and occupies himself with your affairs as is right, do to him all the good you can; he is your son, a person attached to you whom your own self has begotten. Separate not your heart from him.... But if he conducts himself ill and transgresses your wish, if he rejects all counsel, if his mouth goes according to the evil word, strike him on the mouth in return. Give orders without hesitation to those who do wrong, to him whose temper is turbulent; and he will not deviate from the straight path, and there will be no obstacle to interrupt the way." I think that this is fairly good advice. He's saying that you should do your best to raise your son right. If you raise him right he will good. He should be rewarded with all that you can give him if he is good. If he is not good you need to discipline him so he doesn't go farther off the path you want him on. Striking your child may be a little much today, but I think at the time it wasn't seen as bad. I think this is still applicable today. Parents shouldn't give up on their kids no matter what. They should try to keep them on the right path.

  4. What I found interesting was, "If you are annoyed at a thing, if you are tormented by someone who is acting within his right, get out of his sight, and remember him no more when he has ceased to address you." This can be some great advice, I can really relate to this in a more modern day sence. If there is someone who is bothering you, or maybe is doing something you dont like, dont leave yourself in that position to stay uncomfortable. You should leave the room, or take a stand to the situation you are in. No one should ever have to deal with someone or something that puts them in an uncomfortable situation.

  5. "Be active during the time of your existence, do no more than is commanded. Do not spoil the time of your activity; he is a blameworthy person who makes a bad use of his moments. Do not lose the daily opportunity of increasing that which your house possesses. Activity produces riches, and riches do not endure when it slackens."

    I think this advice is one that is often repeated today. Don't sit around and be lazy or waste time. Live life to the fullest. Make the most of your experiences. There are many ways to say this but they all have the same meaning

  6. "Be a craftsman in speech that thou mayest be strong, for the strength of one is the tongue, and speech is mightier than all fighting."

    I think this Maxim is extremely good advice because in today's society what the younger generations are lacking the most is the ability to communicate strong and effectively. Words are magic, and powerful, and having the ability to be a strong communicator gives someone more power than someone who is physically strong. Words end wars, fighting doesn't.

  7. The one I found most interesting was "If you are annoyed at a thing, if you are tormented by someone who is acting within his right, get out of his sight, and remember him no more when he has ceased to address you"
    I remember my dad always stressed this when I was little. He said that we were the only ones responsible for our own actions and it was basically our responsibility to get up leave the situation and get ourselves together. I think that this is really great advice and it is one of them that I wish we could see way more of today.

  8. Ozoemena OguejioforMay 4, 2016 at 10:03 AM

    Be active during the time of your existence, do no more than is commanded. Do not spoil the time of your activity; he is a blameworthy person who makes a bad use of his moments. Do not lose the daily opportunity of increasing that which your house possesses. Activity produces riches, and riches do not endure when it slackens.
    This are really good advices I can really relate to. He says we should be active and hard working. Some people don't work hard they always take the easy way out.
